10:30 am - 12:30 pm
An Indigenous Tale
Come and explore a creation story in our beautiful woodland in Barcombe.
As the land begins to wake from it’s winter slumbers and the green shoots begin to poke their heads through the leaf litter it is the perfect time of year to explore new creations and beginnings.
We will enjoy an indigenous creation story together and make our own mini clay ‘blobsters’ to dry by the fire and take home. There will also be invitations to make mini dens for your blobsters and also some seasonal willow weaving to enjoy alongside our usual woodland play opportunities of mucky kitchen creating, den making, tree scrambling and minibeast hunting! Campfire treats will be hot spiced apple juice and popcorn.
We look forward to welcoming you all to our beautiful woodland soon!
All ages welcome…. Under 2 years free!
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